Sunday, May 17, 2009

Thing #10

The online image generators were easy and fun to use. I checked out the cereal box, book covers and chocolate bar, but I thought I would use the chalk board for my blog. This is also the first time I have uploaded and image to my blog...very easy! I really am learning a lot doing these exercises.
Thing 8 & 9
RSS feeds seem like they would be very useful. I was able to set up my own Bloglines news reader account and subscribe to some news feeds and some library things. I started to do this "Thing" a few days ago and it seemed very difficult, however once I sat down tonight and just got through it, it wasn't bad.
I also found Merlin and tried to subscribe to it, and it seemed like it worked, but when I clicked on it from the blogline, it didn't really have anything on it. I guess I will need to work on that some more.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Thing 7
These blogs are really fun, but I am just now getting the hang of it. After looking at other peoples, I realize that I should try to organize mine a little better. So from now on, I am just going to name it Thing #. Hopefully, that will keep me on track and I won't miss anything.
Week 3
I love all of the things you can do with Flickr. I really like to take pictures and scrapbook, when I have time, so using a site like Flickr could be a lot of fun. I am not sure that I understand the Flickr mashups quite yet. I will have to go through that part again.